
Data scientists and analysts often encounter challenges when working with various data sources. In this blog post, we’ll explore a common issue faced when attempting to load data into a Pandas DataFrame using the pd.read_csv() function. We’ll walk through the error encountered and present a practical solution to overcome it. We use United Nations General Assembly Voting Data as a case study.

The Challenge:

Let’s start by looking at a simple code snippet that downloads a CSV file from a given URL using the gdown library and attempts to load it into a Pandas DataFrame:

url = ''
import gdown, 'data.csv', quiet=True)

# The error occurs here
import pandas as pd

Upon running the above code, you might encounter a UnicodeDecodeError. The error message indicates that the ‘utf-8’ codec cannot decode a byte in the CSV file, resulting in an invalid continuation byte.

Understanding the Issue: The UnicodeDecodeError typically occurs when there is an inconsistency in the encoding of the data being read. In this case, the default ‘utf-8’ encoding used by pd.read_csv() is unable to handle a specific byte sequence in the file.

The Solution:

To address this issue, a solution involves reading the file manually, decoding it using ‘utf-8’ with error handling, and then converting it into a Pandas DataFrame. Here’s the modified code:

import re

# Read the CSV file and decode using 'utf-8' with error handling
s = open('data.csv', 'rb').read().decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')

# Split the content into lines
l = re.split('\r\n', s)

# Use the CSV module to parse the content
from csv import reader
D = list(reader(l))

# Create a Pandas DataFrame
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(D[1:-1], columns=D[0])


  1. We use the open function to read the CSV file in binary mode (‘rb’).
  2. The content is decoded using ‘utf-8’ with the ‘ignore’ error handling, which skips invalid characters.
  3. The content is split into lines using a regular expression.
  4. The CSV module’s reader function is used to parse the lines into a list of lists (D).
  5. Finally, a Pandas DataFrame is created using the parsed data.


By understanding the nature of the UnicodeDecodeError and implementing a manual decoding approach, you can successfully load data into a Pandas DataFrame even when faced with encoding challenges. This solution provides a practical workaround for handling diverse data sources in your data science projects.

Appendix: Generating Word Cloud

In this appendix, we provide additional details on how to generate a word cloud using the WordCloud library in Python. The word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently occurring words in a given text, providing a quick insight into the prominent terms within the dataset. In our example, we’ll generate a word cloud based on the ‘descr’ column of a Pandas DataFrame with United Nations General Assembly Voting Data.

# Import necessary libraries
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a word cloud object
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=100)

# Generate the word cloud by concatenating the 'descr' column
wc.generate(df['descr']" "))

# Display the word cloud using Matplotlib
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation="bilinear")


  1. WordCloud Object Creation: We begin by importing the required libraries, specifically WordCloud for generating the word cloud and matplotlib.pyplot for displaying the visualizations.

  2. Word Cloud Configuration: The WordCloud object is created with certain configurations. In this example, we set the background_color to “white” and limit the maximum number of words to 100 using max_words.

  3. Generating Word Cloud: The generate method is called on the WordCloud object, and it takes the concatenated text from the ‘descr’ column of the DataFrame (df['descr']" ")) as input. This step creates a frequency distribution of words.

  4. Displaying the Word Cloud: We use Matplotlib to display the word cloud. The imshow function is used to show the image, and axis("off") is employed to hide the axes for a cleaner presentation.

Generating word clouds is a valuable technique for gaining insights into the textual content of your data.