A Step-by-Step Guide

When you’re working with assembly language, the process of converting human-readable code into a machine-executable format requires a few important steps. This is especially true when dealing with different processor architectures, like ARM. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of assembling, linking, and running ARM assembly code on a non-ARM system using tools like GNU’s assembler and linker, and QEMU for emulation.

Understanding the Tools

Before we dive into the process, let’s define some key terms and tools that we’ll be using:

  • ARM (Advanced RISC Machine): ARM is a family of Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architectures that are known for their power efficiency and are widely used in mobile devices, embedded systems, and even servers.

  • GNU (GNU’s Not Unix): The GNU Project is a free software initiative that provides tools like compilers, linkers, and debuggers. In our context, GNU refers to the toolchain that we’ll use for compiling and linking ARM assembly code.

  • EABI (Embedded Application Binary Interface): EABI is a standard for how functions are called, how arguments are passed, how memory is managed, and how the binary code is formatted in embedded systems. It’s designed for systems with limited resources, like those using ARM processors.

  • gnueabi (GNU Embedded Application Binary Interface): This term refers to the specific GNU toolchain and conventions that support ARM architectures using the EABI standard. It ensures that the generated binaries are compatible with ARM embedded systems.

  • QEMU (Quick Emulator): QEMU is an open-source software that allows for hardware virtualization and emulation. It can emulate different processor architectures, enabling you to run ARM binaries on a non-ARM system.

Step 1: Preparing the Environment

The first step is to ensure that your environment is set up with the necessary tools to handle ARM assembly code. This involves updating your package lists and installing the ARM cross-compilation tools along with QEMU.

# Update package lists
!apt-get update -qq &> /dev/null

# Install ARM cross-compilation tools and QEMU
!apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi qemu-user qemu-system-arm &> /dev/null
  • apt-get update: This command updates the list of available packages and their versions but doesn’t install or upgrade any packages. The -qq option minimizes the output.
  • gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi: This is the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) for ARM architecture using the EABI standard.
  • binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi: This package provides essential tools like the assembler and linker for ARM, following the gnueabi conventions.
  • qemu-user and qemu-system-arm: These packages provide the QEMU emulator, allowing you to run ARM binaries on non-ARM systems.

Step 2: Writing ARM Assembly Code in Google Colab

Next, we’ll write a simple ARM assembly program that prints a message to the screen and then exits.

%%writefile example.s
.global _start

.section .data
msg: .asciz "Hello from ARM!\n"

.section .text
    // Write "Hello from ARM!\n" to stdout
    mov r0, #1              // File descriptor 1 is stdout
    ldr r1, =msg            // Address of the message
    ldr r2, =15             // Length of the message
    mov r7, #4              // System call number for sys_write
    swi 0                   // Make the system call

    // Exit the program
    mov r7, #1              // System call number for sys_exit
    mov r0, #0              // Exit code 0
    swi 0                   // Make the system call

Step 3: Assembling the Code in Google Colab

Once the assembly code is written, we need to convert it into machine code. This is done using the assembler from the binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi package.

# Assemble the code into an object file
!arm-linux-gnueabi-as -o example.o example.s
  • arm-linux-gnueabi-as: This command invokes the assembler, converting the assembly source file (example.s) into an object file (example.o).
  • -o example.o: Specifies the output file name for the object file.

Step 4: Linking the Object File in Google Colab

The next step is to link the object file to produce an executable. This is where any unresolved addresses are fixed, and the code is prepared to run.

# Link the object file into an executable
!arm-linux-gnueabi-ld -o example example.o
  • arm-linux-gnueabi-ld: This command invokes the linker, which takes the object file (example.o) and links it into an executable file (example).
  • -o example: Specifies the output file name for the executable.

Step 5: Running the ARM Executable in Google Colab

Finally, to run the ARM executable on a non-ARM system, we use QEMU.

!qemu-arm ./example
  • qemu-arm: This command runs the ARM executable (./example) using QEMU’s user-mode emulation.


This guide has walked you through the process of setting up your environment, writing ARM assembly code, assembling and linking it, and finally running it on a non-ARM system using QEMU. By understanding each step and the tools involved—such as gnueabi, GCC, binutils, and QEMU—you can effectively work with ARM assembly code even if your development machine isn’t natively running on ARM architecture.

Appendix: Detailed Explanation of the ARM Assembly Code

This appendix provides a line-by-line breakdown of the ARM assembly code we used in the blog. The code is a simple program that prints “Hello from ARM!” to the screen and then exits.

The Assembly Code

.global _start

.section .data
msg: .asciz "Hello from ARM!\n"

.section .text
    // Write "Hello from ARM!\n" to stdout
    mov r0, #1              // File descriptor 1 is stdout
    ldr r1, =msg            // Address of the message
    ldr r2, =15             // Length of the message
    mov r7, #4              // System call number for sys_write
    swi 0                   // Make the system call

    // Exit the program
    mov r7, #1              // System call number for sys_exit
    mov r0, #0              // Exit code 0
    swi 0                   // Make the system call

Line-by-Line Explanation

1. .global _start

.global _start
  • Purpose: Declares the _start symbol as global, making it accessible to the linker as the program’s entry point.
  • Details: This line ensures that the linker recognizes _start as the location where the program execution begins.

2. .section .data

.section .data
msg: .asciz "Hello from ARM!\n"
  • Purpose: The .data section is used to store initialized data, like strings or variables.
  • Details:
    • msg:: This defines a label msg that points to the memory location where the string is stored.
    • .asciz "Hello from ARM!\n": This directive stores a null-terminated string (C-style string) in memory. The string is “Hello from ARM!\n”, and .asciz ensures it is followed by a null byte (\0).

3. .section .text

.section .text
  • Purpose: The .text section is where the actual code (executable instructions) is stored.
  • Details:
    • _start:: This label marks the beginning of the executable code. The _start label is defined here, which matches the entry point declared earlier with .global _start.

4. Write “Hello from ARM!” to stdout

mov r0, #1              // File descriptor 1 is stdout
ldr r1, =msg            // Address of the message
ldr r2, =15             // Length of the message
mov r7, #4              // System call number for sys_write
swi 0                   // Make the system call

This block of code prepares and executes a system call to write the message “Hello from ARM!” to the terminal.

  • mov r0, #1:
    • Purpose: Load the value 1 into register r0.
    • Details: The value 1 is the file descriptor for stdout (standard output). The mov instruction moves this value into r0, which will be passed as the first argument to the system call.
  • ldr r1, =msg:
    • Purpose: Load the address of the message into register r1.
    • Details: The ldr (load register) instruction loads the address of the msg label (the string “Hello from ARM!\n”) into r1, which will be passed as the second argument to the system call.
  • ldr r2, =15:
    • Purpose: Load the length of the message into register r2.
    • Details: The length of “Hello from ARM!\n” is 15 characters, including the newline character. This value is loaded into r2, which will be passed as the third argument to the system call.
  • mov r7, #4:
    • Purpose: Load the system call number for sys_write into register r7.
    • Details: The sys_write system call is identified by the number 4. This is loaded into r7, which tells the kernel that the program wants to write data to a file (in this case, stdout).
  • swi 0:
    • Purpose: Execute the system call.
    • Details: The swi (software interrupt) instruction triggers a system call. The value in r7 determines which system call is made, and the values in r0, r1, and r2 are passed as arguments.

5. Exit the Program

mov r7, #1              // System call number for sys_exit
mov r0, #0              // Exit code 0
swi 0                   // Make the system call

This block of code prepares and executes a system call to exit the program.

  • mov r7, #1:
    • Purpose: Load the system call number for sys_exit into register r7.
    • Details: The sys_exit system call is identified by the number 1. This value is loaded into r7, indicating that the program wishes to terminate.
  • mov r0, #0:
    • Purpose: Load the exit code 0 into register r0.
    • Details: The value 0 indicates a successful termination of the program. This value is loaded into r0 and passed to the sys_exit system call.
  • swi 0:
    • Purpose: Execute the system call.
    • Details: As before, the swi instruction is used to trigger the system call, which in this case ends the program.


This ARM assembly program demonstrates the basics of interacting with the operating system using system calls. It writes a message to the terminal and then exits, all while following the ARM EABI conventions. The program illustrates how to handle simple I/O and process control in ARM assembly, providing a foundation for more complex programs.

Appendix: Bash Script for ARM Assembly on Raspberry Pi

This appendix provides a detailed explanation of a Bash script designed to create, assemble, link, and run an ARM assembly program on a Raspberry Pi. The script is intended to be executed directly in the Raspberry Pi terminal and demonstrates the entire workflow from writing assembly code to running the compiled program.

Installation Requirements for ARM Assembly Development on Raspberry Pi

To develop and run ARM assembly code on a Raspberry Pi, you’ll need to ensure that your system has the necessary tools and libraries installed. This section covers the installation requirements to get you up and running with ARM assembly programming on your Raspberry Pi.

Essential Tools for ARM Assembly Development

For assembling, linking, and executing ARM assembly code, the following tools are essential:

  1. GNU Assembler (as)
    • Purpose: Converts ARM assembly code into machine code (object files).
    • Installation: Part of the binutils package.
  2. GNU Linker (ld)
    • Purpose: Links object files to create executable binaries.
    • Installation: Also included in the binutils package.
  3. GNU Debugger (gdb) (Optional)
    • Purpose: Useful for debugging assembly code.
    • Installation: Can be installed separately if needed.

Installing the Necessary Tools

On a Raspberry Pi running a Debian-based distribution like Raspberry Pi OS, you can easily install these tools using the apt package manager. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Update Package Lists

Before installing new software, it’s a good idea to update your package lists to ensure you’re getting the latest versions available from the repositories:

   sudo apt-get update

2. Install binutils

The binutils package includes the GNU assembler (as) and linker (ld), which are crucial for working with ARM assembly:

   sudo apt-get install binutils

3. Install gcc (Optional)

If you plan to work with mixed C and assembly code or need a compiler for C code, you should install the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc):

   sudo apt-get install gcc

4. Install gdb (Optional)

For debugging your assembly code, install the GNU Debugger (gdb):

   sudo apt-get install gdb

Verifying Installation

After installation, you can verify that the tools are installed correctly by checking their versions:

  • Check GNU Assembler (as):
    as --version
  • Check GNU Linker (ld):
    ld --version
  • Check GNU Compiler Collection (gcc):
    gcc --version
  • Check GNU Debugger (gdb):
    gdb --version

The Bash Script

# BASH Script for Raspberry Pi.
# Create the assembly code file
cat <<EOF > example.s
.global _start

.section .data
msg: .asciz "Hello, World!\n"

.section .text
    // Write "Hello, World!\n" to stdout
    mov x0, 1              // File descriptor 1 is stdout
    ldr x1, =msg           // Address of the message
    ldr x2, =15            // Length of the message
    mov x8, 64             // System call number for sys_write
    svc 0                  // Make the system call

    // Exit the program
    mov x8, 93             // System call number for sys_exit
    mov x0, 0              // Exit code 0
    svc 0                  // Make the system call

# Assemble the code
as -o example.o example.s

# Link the object file
ld -o example example.o

# Run the executable

Line-by-Line Breakdown

1. Creating the Assembly Code File

# Create the assembly code file
cat <<EOF > example.s
  • Purpose: This command creates a new file named example.s and writes the ARM assembly code into it.
  • Details:
    • cat <<EOF > example.s: The cat command is used with a “Here Document” (denoted by <<EOF) to redirect a block of text into a file. Everything between <<EOF and EOF will be written to example.s.

2. Writing the Assembly Code

.global _start

.section .data
msg: .asciz "Hello, World!\n"

.section .text
    // Write "Hello, World!\n" to stdout
    mov x0, 1              // File descriptor 1 is stdout
    ldr x1, =msg           // Address of the message
    ldr x2, =15            // Length of the message
    mov x8, 64             // System call number for sys_write
    svc 0                  // Make the system call

    // Exit the program
    mov x8, 93             // System call number for sys_exit
    mov x0, 0              // Exit code 0
    svc 0                  // Make the system call
  • Purpose: This block contains the ARM assembly code that will be written to the example.s file.
  • Details:
    • .global _start: Marks _start as the entry point for the program.
    • .section .data: Begins a section for data storage, where the string “Hello, World!\n” is defined.
    • .asciz "Hello, World!\n": Defines a null-terminated string in the data section.
    • .section .text: Begins the text section, where the executable code resides.
    • mov x0, 1: Sets up the file descriptor for stdout in register x0.
    • ldr x1, =msg: Loads the address of the message string into register x1.
    • ldr x2, =15: Loads the length of the message into register x2.
    • mov x8, 64: Sets the system call number for sys_write in register x8.
    • svc 0: Triggers the system call to write the message to stdout.
    • mov x8, 93: Sets the system call number for sys_exit in register x8.
    • mov x0, 0: Sets the exit code to 0 in register x0.
    • svc 0: Triggers the system call to exit the program.

3. Assembling the Code

# Assemble the code
as -o example.o example.s
  • Purpose: Converts the assembly code in example.s into machine code, stored in an object file named example.o.
  • Details:
    • as: The GNU assembler for ARM, which assembles the source file into an object file.
    • -o example.o: Specifies that the output object file should be named example.o.

4. Linking the Object File

# Link the object file
ld -o example example.o
  • Purpose: Links the object file example.o to create an executable file named example.
  • Details:
    • ld: The GNU linker for ARM, which links object files and resolves addresses to produce an executable.
    • -o example: Specifies that the output file should be named example.

5. Running the Executable

# Run the executable
  • Purpose: Executes the ARM binary example.
  • Details:
    • ./example: Runs the example file from the current directory.


This Bash script automates the process of writing, assembling, linking, and executing ARM assembly code on a Raspberry Pi. It uses standard tools provided in the GNU toolchain (as and ld) to convert human-readable assembly code into a machine-executable format. The script is particularly useful for quickly testing ARM assembly programs directly on the Raspberry Pi, a platform widely used for embedded systems and educational purposes. By understanding each step, you can modify and extend the script to handle more complex assembly projects.